
#include <compatibility/hpx/runtime/threads/threadmanager.hpp>

#include <hpx/threadmanager.hpp>

namespace hpx
namespace threads
class threadmanager
#include <threadmanager.hpp>

The thread-manager class is the central instance of management for all (non-depleted) threads

Public Types

typedef threads::policies::callback_notifier notification_policy_type
typedef std::unique_ptr<thread_pool_base> pool_type
typedef threads::policies::scheduler_base scheduler_type
typedef std::vector<pool_type> pool_vector

Public Functions

threadmanager(notification_policy_type &notifier, detail::network_background_callback_type network_background_callback = detail::network_background_callback_type())
void init()
void create_pools()
void print_pools(std::ostream&)

FIXME move to private and add hpx:printpools cmd line option.

thread_pool_base &default_pool() const
scheduler_type &default_scheduler() const
thread_pool_base &get_pool(std::string const &pool_name) const
thread_pool_base &get_pool(pool_id_type const &pool_id) const
thread_pool_base &get_pool(std::size_t thread_index) const
void register_work(thread_init_data &data, thread_state_enum initial_state = pending, error_code &ec = throws)

The function register_work adds a new work item to the thread manager. It doesn’t immediately create a new thread, it just adds the task parameters (function, initial state and description) to the internal management data structures. The thread itself will be created when the number of existing threads drops below the number of threads specified by the constructors max_count parameter.

  • func: [in] The function or function object to execute as the thread’s function. This must have a signature as defined by thread_function_type.
  • description: [in] The value of this parameter allows to specify a description of the thread to create. This information is used for logging purposes mainly, but might be useful for debugging as well. This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty string.
  • initial_state: [in] The value of this parameter defines the initial state of the newly created thread. This must be one of the values as defined by the thread_state enumeration (thread_state::pending, or thread_state::suspended, any other value will throw a hpx::bad_parameter exception).

void register_thread(thread_init_data &data, thread_id_type &id, thread_state_enum initial_state = pending, bool run_now = true, error_code &ec = throws)

The function register_thread adds a new work item to the thread manager. It creates a new thread, adds it to the internal management data structures, and schedules the new thread, if appropriate.

  • func: [in] The function or function object to execute as the thread’s function. This must have a signature as defined by thread_function_type.
  • id: [out] This parameter will hold the id of the created thread. This id is guaranteed to be validly initialized before the thread function is executed.
  • description: [in] The value of this parameter allows to specify a description of the thread to create. This information is used for logging purposes mainly, but might be useful for debugging as well. This parameter is optional and defaults to an empty string.
  • initial_state: [in] The value of this parameter defines the initial state of the newly created thread. This must be one of the values as defined by the thread_state enumeration (thread_state::pending, or thread_state::suspended, any other value will throw a hpx::bad_parameter exception).
  • run_now: [in] If this parameter is true and the initial state is given as thread_state::pending the thread will be run immediately, otherwise it will be scheduled to run later (either this function is called for another thread using true for the parameter run_now or the function threadmanager::do_some_work is called). This parameter is optional and defaults to true.

bool run()

Run the thread manager’s work queue. This function instantiates the specified number of OS threads in each pool. All OS threads are started to execute the function tfunc.

The function returns true if the thread manager has been started successfully, otherwise it returns false.

void stop(bool blocking = true)

Forcefully stop the thread-manager.

  • blocking:

void suspend()
void resume()
state status() const

Return whether the thread manager is still running This returns the “minimal state”, i.e. the state of the least advanced thread pool.

std::int64_t get_thread_count(thread_state_enum state = unknown, thread_priority priority = thread_priority_default, std::size_t num_thread = std::size_t(-1), bool reset = false)

return the number of HPX-threads with the given state

This function lock the internal OS lock in the thread manager

std::int64_t get_background_thread_count()
bool enumerate_threads(util::function_nonser<bool(thread_id_type)> const &f, thread_state_enum state = unknown, ) const
void abort_all_suspended_threads()
bool cleanup_terminated(bool delete_all)
std::size_t get_os_thread_count() const

Return the number of OS threads running in this thread-manager.

This function will return correct results only if the thread-manager is running.

std::thread &get_os_thread_handle(std::size_t num_thread) const
void report_error(std::size_t num_thread, std::exception_ptr const &e)

API functions forwarding to notification policy.

This notifies the thread manager that the passed exception has been raised. The exception will be routed through the notifier and the scheduler (which will result in it being passed to the runtime object, which in turn will report it to the console, etc.).

mask_type get_used_processing_units() const

Returns the mask identifying all processing units used by this thread manager.

hwloc_bitmap_ptr get_pool_numa_bitmap(const std::string &pool_name) const
void set_scheduler_mode(threads::policies::scheduler_mode mode)
void add_scheduler_mode(threads::policies::scheduler_mode mode)
void add_remove_scheduler_mode(threads::policies::scheduler_mode to_add_mode, threads::policies::scheduler_mode to_remove_mode)
void remove_scheduler_mode(threads::policies::scheduler_mode mode)
void reset_thread_distribution()
void init_tss(std::size_t global_thread_num)
void deinit_tss()
std::size_t shrink_pool(std::string const &pool_name)
std::size_t expand_pool(std::string const &pool_name)
std::int64_t get_queue_length(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_cumulative_duration(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_unknown(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_active(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_pending(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_suspended(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_terminated(bool reset)
std::int64_t get_thread_count_staged(bool reset)

Private Types

typedef std::mutex mutex_type

Private Members

mutex_type mtx_
std::size_t num_threads_
std::vector<pool_id_type> threads_lookup_
pool_vector pools_
notification_policy_type &notifier_
detail::network_background_callback_type network_background_callback_